If anybody besides my father told me this was a beautiful, five star worthy, song, I'd be quite tempted to spit in their eye and tell them how wrong they were, possibly even having to resort to profane language. But because this was my dad making this insane statement, I'll have to settle with a mere angry word or two (or 100).
First of all, this is the type of song that a blue collar working man would listen to whilst driving in his 1990's, American made, style pick up truck with a cheesy, overly patriotic flag decal on the back window. That same person probably listens to the Glen Beck show, and the all country all the time station that nobody seems to like. Some would say that this song shows great raw emotion, but personally, the voice to me sounds like she just stepped on a pin, and is in great pain. In my eyes, this song would be luck to even get two stars.
P.S. and it is very much so cowboy music. I mean, come on! Look at the album cover

HE'S WEARING A COWBOY HAT! Does that not signify what type of music this is?